Hi ladies,
I apologize for the million questions this week, but I am new to this whole process.
I had my baseline ultrasound this morning, and the nurse found a "string of pearls" on my right ovary, indicating that I may have PCOS. My left ovary looked "normal" to her. She said she can't diagnose me, but she voiced her concerns. Is it possible to have this on one ovary? I have zero signs of PCOS (normal cycle even though at long at 33-37 days and positive OPK every month around days 18-21). 
Has anyone had any experience with a situation like this? 
My progesterone was a level 7 when I was tested after my positive OPK...I'm not sure if this is any indication either. I was told that I ovulated but the levels were not ideal. 
I'll start clomid today and hopefully this helps. 
Thank you for your help!!