Need to vent sorry it's long advice and opinions welcomed.

Well I'm having problems with my mom, she wants to control my life when it comes to everything and now my dad called asking what was going on his in prison and so are my only 2 brother, I know what a family, so now I have my mom leaving with me and my boyfriend, but she feels she's the queen and doesn't help with nothing I mean nothing, if I feel sick she has it worse and only she can get sick. My boyfriend is so mad at how stressed I am know. He wants to tell her to leave. What makes it worse I think she has done drugs in my house. HELP.... I don't want that around my kids. I try talking to her and she starts crying to make my kids think I am mean with her and she crys to everyone she talks to. I all so told her she had her chance with me and my brothers and she failed now it's my turn to try and raise my kids. I hate waking up in the morning.