For all the young mums

I TTCd when I was turning 17 got pregnant after I turned 17 and gave birth 2 months before my 18th You can all do it don't listen to the older women they always think they know everything but they don't you know yourself you know what your doing and what you want I gave birth to my baby girl on the 18th March 2015 at 17:13 she weighed 6 pounds 3oz she's my world and I love her she's made my world happier she's given me hope when I'm feeling low she's motivated me to do so much I've currently been applying for jobs and I have 4 offered to me I'm so sad to leave her and go work but it has to be done I'll be happy going home to her every day she's 4 months now All young parents get to see their children grow older so I'm proud and happy to be a young mum. Any older woman please don't comment unless your saying something nice you have a right to an opinion but I don't want to hear it please and thank you this is my beautiful Alexandra Rose Hume