I was induced, due to SPD two weeks early - once my waters where broken at the hospital my total lab...

Toni • 29, married, one daughter, one step son an a peanut on the way!!
I was induced, due to SPD two weeks early - once my waters where broken at the hospital my total labour was 3hrs. 
I advanced very quickly- an my daughter was born 00:59. I breast fed for only 2 days due to a bad few latches an this then caused pain, bleeding an blisters on my nipples. I was very happy with my achievements, whether it was a hour or 2days. I can now enjoy my daughter rather than endure pain! I commend anyone who is successful at breastfeeding because it's a lot harder than it looks! I feel so blessed with my daughter, she changes every single day. 
I had a awful pregnancy an this was definitely my last, but I wouldn't change it for the world because my daughter is amazing, happy & healthy! Such a magical time for me any everyone else! 💞 Eliza Hope McDonough 💞