Depression and ttc

We have been ttc for 2+ years aand recently had 2 failed iuis. My husband has poor sperm and i have had all tests been positive but i still feel like there is something wrong with me and it will never happen. I have a history of both depression and anxiety and have tried to xommit suicide in the past. I have not been on medication for anxiety depression since i am ttc and i have been anxious but not depressed at all. I just started the pill for our first <a href="">ivf</a> and i am feeling like my depression is coming back. Im not sure if this is from the pill or from this feeling i have of being broken and the strain it is putting on my marriage. It is especially hard seeing everyone around me and their growing families. Wondering if we should just stop trying or if i should go on meds if that would endanger a pregnancy? My dr said some would be fine but it hasnt been fully researched. In the past i have been on zoloft lexapro and xanax.