Packing diaper and hospital bags!

I'm 34 weeks and I feel maybe this is a bit early. I've made lists and have everything put together besides the baby clothes because before she wears anything I'm washing it in dreft. What do you ladies think?
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With my first, I packed 36 weeks and he came that night. Sooner the better!! 


Jenn • Jul 21, 2015
Wow!!! That's crazy!


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I'm almost 34 weeks and have been slowly packing my bag for the past couple of weeks. I should be done this week. 


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I'm 29 weeks with twins. I packed 2 weeks ago. Lol... so don't feel like its too early. Preparation is always good no matter what time it is.


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I'm 33 weeks and we just got our diaper bag packed today. Waiting for our laundry to be done so I can get my bag packed and ready. Been having contractions every 10 minutes since yesterday, so I'd rather be safe than sorry.


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I brought my own clothing for my baby to the hospital and came back home after three days with lots of poopy baby clothes. This time around, I'm only bringing two outfits for visitors and pictures. :)


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We are moving soon so I have yet to get anything ready. This is our second so we still have all the necessities from when big sis was born but I don't really want to fuss getting it all put in bags until our shower and we move 


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I'm 33 and 4, and have started gathering my things together for both mine and babies bags. I'd like to have them finished by the weekend x


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I'm 32 weeks and have washed 90% of the clothes/blankets etc. I even packed some stuff into a bag. With my memory the way it is, I have to do things when I remember! Hahah


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I think 34-36 is a good just never know! 


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I haven't yet. I'm 30 weeks today. My shower is this coming Saturday and her nursery is getting finished this week, so I think next weeuend and the following I'll start packing my hospital bag while I get her stuff washed, set up, and put away. Getting excited!