
I'm a little uneasy because 4 years ago at 10w3d I had a missed mc (and had to have a d&c) and I had my first Dr's apt at 10w3d and they didn't do an us. I am so mad I am going to a different dr. What I am scared about is that my symptoms are subsiding a bit, less nausea and breast tenderness. I know it is common around 11ish weeks for symptoms to start subsiding but last time they started going away it had turned out I miscarried, not that I was finally far enough along to stop having them. I am terrified and just want an ultrasound to see our little sweetpea and make sure everything is ok. Prayers would be appreciated. I have pretty high anxiety anyway and the last few days have been torture. Please tell me I am ok? 😭😳😧😯