Medication needed, so pregnancy will be hard to make possible

Hi Ladies, 
I've got a question and I'm hoping for some of you to share their experiences. 
I'm bipolar and on daily medication for possibly the rest of my life. BUT you cannot bear children while under the influence of this medication, as it will most probably make the baby disabled. Also, due to my disease, my psyche is quite unstable and no one knows how that will be affected by hormones - meaning my disease could become completely uncontrollable again (which most of the time includes kicking out my fiancé, spending way too much money and taking huge risks on everything - not ideal for a mom to be)
All of this means that me and FH can't just try for a baby, but will have to visit a thousand doctors beforehand and have everything timed correctly - even the thought is putting stress on me. Do any of you have the same problem or have had it in the past?