Cant stand him

My husband and I go through random times of arguing for a few days/a week then we are fine. Hes an asshole sometimes and I truly want to get up and leave when we fight. Its the dumbest fights-- like he will leave a bunch of hair in the sink and I will say something and he'll flip"if its bothers you just pick it up!!" I HAVE done that for years and dont feel like I should have to clean up after a 32 yr old. He has hardly any pride of ownership and our home was expensive- yet hes such a slob. He will do one project and take months when it should take two wks, then bring it up constantly. Worst part is he says I do 1% of the work he does when i do everything in the home, include pay for more. His thing to throw in my face is that I dont cook dinner (I work a lot and travel alot- I'd just rather order out or make a salad most nights) or that I sleep late on the weekends. I still get everything done regardless! I feel like i'd be happier living alone sometimes. Maybe if he would pick up his mess and/or actually be more generous (he also hates helping family members or friends unless itll somebow benefit him) then I'd WANT to make him dinner. Ugh that rant felt good. Anyone else deal with a part time AHole?