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I dont know if this is allowed but i have to try. On july 9 i had an apointment for a routine blood test to check for genetic markers for a contition called NF1. This condition is hereditary and basically causes tumors and cysts to be formed on the nerve cells throughout the body. Any children i have have a 50/50% chance of getting this condition if i do have it. I have already had one of these tumors removed in 2009 that was agressive and grew quickley to the size of a large lemon.
Before they were able to draw the blood for this test o was admitted to the hospital for high blood pressure. Up until this point i had a very healthy and standard pregnancy except for bad morning sickness so we were shocked and unprepared. Then on that saturday, july 11, i began to have extreme pain in my stomach. They believed i constapated and was having gas pain so after bwing in pain for about 8hrs iwas having gas pain so they gave me numerous rounds of (4) laxitives, (6)stool softeners, (4) gas relief pills, (3) enemas, (4)spasitories, and had the nurse physically put her fingers inside my rectum ro check for the blockage she insisted i had in my bowels. Ny husband and i kept insisting it wasnt the tight dignoais but were desprite for relief. This was all over a short period of time tho i was in the pain for about 10hrs. I was in the intense level 10 out of 10 pain for 10hrs total we told the nurse that we knew it wasnt gas pain that we demanded to find a different dignosis. She then suggested i take a muscel relaxor and rest. After a fittful 30min nap i awoke to find myself COVERED in blood. My husband ran to find helo and quickly returned with a bunch of doctors and nurses. One of them reached inside me and kept scooping out hand fulls of blood. In seconds she filled a large bassin used to sponge bathe. The entire bed was covered and blood was dripping on the floor. My husband was a mental/emotional mess, standing helpless in the corner pacing and crying, afriad. As i looked from one face to the next i read the same look, this is serious. This is scary. My baby and i kight not make it. In no time they were running with me to surgery hitting every wall, door and corner along the way. Then in the make sift operating room, alone since they told my husband he couldnt come, i demanded to know what was happening. The doctor looked shocked that i hadnt known....i was having an emergency c section. I felt sick. I tried to cover ny belly with my hands as i screamed through my sobs: "No! No! Hes too small". There was no other choice, my placenta had abrupted so at 6:57am on July 12 my son was born a Micro preemie weighing 1 lb 9oz and 12.6". Hes at sacred heart hospital in pensacola, fl fighting to stay alive. He also has a serious lunch infection called MERSA. So far hes been doing well but weve been informed that next week the steroids that gave me before me was born will be out of his system. This means that this "honeymood phase" will be over and he'll have more ups and downs in his status.
If that wasnt enough 2days after being released my right leg became severally swollen, about 2-3x the normal size. Fearing a blood clot ny husband brought me to the ER. After several tests they came to the conclusion that its exhaustion and i was advised to be on ved rest with ny legs elevated. Honeslty thats difficult when all i want to do, all that seems possible or logical to me now is being at ny son's side and pumping breast milk for him.
Again, i dont know if its allowed but i hooe youll make an exception. We are asking for donations to our go fund me page #savingbabypaulallen. We are not asking foe much just enough to help pay the bills since i cannot work right now and he will be in the NICU until October. My husband works but his pay alone cannot cover the bills. Anything ocer our goal will bw donated to the Ronald Mcdonald House of Pensacola, fl. We would be completly lost without theit kind hearts and amazing facility. We live about 2hours, without trafiic, away from Sacred Heart.
Please friend ny husbands page (this one) or find my sons "like page" on facebook or even find our campaign on Go Fund Me; speead his story and his adorable little face, give us some encouragement and advice, pray for us and if you can donate. We are desprite and scared.
Thank you for your time.
#fightlikeapreemie #savingpaulallen

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.