She's finally here!

Raven • First time mom, baby girl is on her way, July '15 ☺️
My little one is finally here at 40 wks + 1 day. All the aches, pains, and the extreamly long wait was all worth it in the end. Went in at 2am to be induced with cervidil since I wasn't dialating yet. The nurse checked my cervix one more time at 3:30am before the insertion only to find out not only did baby not drop yet but she was not in the right position either. Ended up having to have a c-section at 5am. Baby girl was born at 5:13am, weighing 6lbs 8oz and 18 1/4 in long. Totally freaked me out since my mom and twin sister couldn't be there (they had just left to go home to get some sleep) and I went in being mentally prepared for the 12 plus hour process only to be cut down to a short 45 minute cesarean. BUT other then all that craziness I'm very happy to be able hold, hug, kiss and love my precious baby Kai! I would gladly do it all again for her, she's perfect 😊