Rough times

My husband was away for two years... First 6 months I was pregnant with our daughter and we weren't married. He didn't communicate and found out he was hanging out with friends and getting drunk every night. He missed our daughters birth... And then showed up 5 days later as though everything was fine. We had planned on getting married before he left, but ran out of time. I was afraid of being alone and a single mom so I forgave him for disappearing. We got married and he went back to Korea for another year and a half. He was only supposed to be gone another 6 months, but for some reason they extended it another year. 
He was doing well with communicating for two weeks. Promised he would stop spending money and wouldn't drink any more. (I had heard that before) I found a hotel charge on the card and one of the girls he was stationed with blocked me on Facebook the next day. I texted asking how he was and didn't hear back for a month... Then he told me he didn't know what I was talking about. 
Charge after charge on our card I saw our money draining. Our daughter had to go to the ER and he never responded after seeing messages. My sister got sick and had to have an emergency liver transplant. He messaged saying he was there if I needed to talk... I said yes, I do.... He didn't talk to me for another 7 months. I had to move back in with my parents because I didn't know at the time when he would get orders back since they kept changing. I couldn't break a lease because I'm not the one in the military. I had to work 40+ hours a week at a restaurant and take care of our daughter to pay our bills, car payment, credit cards, debts, etc. 4 months into him not talking at all again... I started hanging out with my old neighbor. 3 months later my neighbor was more of a dad to my daughter than my husband/her father.
Mybhusband missed her birthday, our anniversary, my birthday and every holiday. He had the ability to skype or FT, but chose to drink with friends instead.
I fell for how my neighbor made me feel , but didn't want to. I just enjoyed being cherished for once. I wished my husband would've been like that. 
My neighbor offered to pay for a divorce, get me my own apartment and take care of any financial needs that I couldn't take care of to make sure my daughter was in a happy home. I almost did it until I finally got my husband to communicate.
In order for me to get a REAL message from my husband I had to go to the extent of email his first shirt. My husband was pissed, but he disappeared and so I finally got his First shirt to help me get him home for at least the holidays.
I told my husband about my "affair" and he was livid. He said it is normal for husbands not to communicate for months and I was asking too much to want him to message once a week. His brother is a Major in the military and he told me to divorce his brother. I still loved him. The winter holidays were amazing with him. I swore it was over. He swore he would communicate. 
Heard from him for a week. He disappeared again. I was closing on a house for us and was now pregnant with our baby #2. I was on my period when he got into town, but we discussed over christmas if we wanted to have number two... He said yes since we would be within ovulation time while he was in town. I took a test with him on the phone that showed I was pregnant 1-2 weeks along. He sent hope your day is going well messages once a week, but never responded after that. Never really had a conversation. I miscarried our child at 12 weeks. I had been informing him I had complications, but he said things would be fine. I had to email his CO and tell his CO I miscarried our child and needed to talk to my husband ASAP. All of his first shirts were in the room and made him call me. Then they stepped out so I could tell him. He was upset, but all he asked was, "did it hurt."
I love my husband. Since all of that happened he has come home... We moved to our new house, we tried for baby #3  and succeeded. Pregnant again. Things have been great between us, but now with pregnancy I get emotional. I question him about what happened in Korea and the girl he cheated on me with before he left. He brings up my affair. I can't get over the fact that he doesn't give me answers when I am upfront about everything and any question he has for me I will and have answered. I'm very honest with my feelings and he just makes me feel like crap when he is the one that essentially walked out on us and chose his friends over his family. Now, I'm trying to just look towards the future. 
I know he is not cheating and things are better then they ever have been, but that makes me nervous, because in the past, that's when I've been blindsided.
Anyone else go through rough times and mountains to be with your husband or SO and make it through?
Living day to day knowing we are doing what's best for our daughter and future baby. We love each other. We just need to work on communication.
Feeling like we are the only two to go through this.