Do not pay for harmony test or count on it for gender reveal!!!!

I became very excited to find out the sex of my unborn child at 11-12 weeks. I planned a gender reveal party after having blood drawn for the Harmony test. I was not concerned about the results of the trisomy tests because it would not change the outcome of my pregnancy and I would as soon not know rather than stress about the fact that my child may have a genetic disorder throughout the remainder of my pregnancy. I kept my phone on my and my doctors office nurse called with the news that the test was "inconclusive" due to lab error or something to do with my blood. The nurse told me I could contact the company for obtain more information. I called the number provided to me by the nurse only to be told that they could not give me any information because of HIPPA. I am the patient!!!!!!!! How is that a HIPPA violation?!? It is my body and my blood! I am a nurse and I am well aware of HIPPA. I wanted an explanation as to why my test was inconclusive. Overall I believe they advertise "gender reveal" as a ploy to real you in and take your money! Warning to all of you out there considering Harmony for gender reveal, do not waste your time or money it will cause nothing but disappointment.