Sorry if TMI... Anyone worrying over nothing like me??

Ok so being its after midnight, I'm 4 weeks 5 days. Due to my last 3 pregnancies ending in miscarriage which were unplanned and conceived while on birth control, the fact we actually tried for this baby is making me more anxious. I've got plenty of symptoms but I still am waiting for ultrasound (1st week of aug) and even blood tests (1st actual OB appt sept 12). I keep worrying I'm going to lose this one. Especially when I feel the slightest thing wrong with my tummy. Like slight cramps. Which half of them I know is my uterus expanding lol. The other time I really start worrying then 10-20 min later I realize I just need to fart or poop, lol. Then I just feel silly. Wish I didn't have such major gas this pregnancy!! Anyone else worrying over nothing like me?