Baby Love!

My due date was yesterday, July 22nd. On the 21st I was checked at 95% effaced.  Went for a walk at 5:30pm and shortly after my water started leaking.  We went to the hospital at 6:30 where they determined I had a slight rupture in my water - so it would continuously drain. I was admitted at 1cm at 7pm.  By 8:20pm I was vomiting and dilated to 3cm. By 11pm I was at 7cm.  I vomited the entire labor anytime I attempted to have even an ice chip!  I did not have an Epiderol.  By 2AM I was at 10cm.  I gave birth at 3:44 AM (on her official due date) to a baby girl weighing 7.2lbs.  I pushed for about an hour - intensely for 30 minutes.  It was so physical. I also vomited after trying to have fruit & fluid around 5AM. I'm so glad she's heathly and I'm looking forward to this journey.