Has anyone ever had a blue dye test WITHOUT false positives or evaps comment!

After reading and seeing all these negative comments about blue dye I'm starting to think that my test was just a joke. I tested with one step pregnancy test Sunday night and got a very very faint line before the 10 minute mark I was really excited to see that + cause when I was younger I had a miscarriage at 15 caught chlamydia twice thinking I was never gonna get pregnant I know I'm young 20 my boyfriend is 22 we been only trying for 5 months and I am kinda happy at the same time unsure. But after doing research and how they give out so many false positives and Evaps I just feel like it's not meant to be there's so many negatives about it. I'm not going to test right now cause I'm gonna get nervous so I'm going to wait a week or 2 and just test again with FRER with pink dye. No sign of period yet but had a weird one for the past 2 months. I just wanna know if any of you ladies had a perfect BFP on your blue dye test and it never turned into a false positive or a evap cause I'm not sure if the lines on there are thick or thin to make it an evap. 
Here's my test it has less color but it's thick. 
This is the one I tweaked