Stopping the pill because of side effects.

Almost everytime around I get my period I end up being on a fight with my SO. Arguments that I would realize later on are such petty things. I just make it worse because of my overthinking and it also doesn't help that I keep things to myself until it's too much. Even little things make me emotional. It's like PMS-ing but really bad. I'm just really emotionally unstable tight now almost like I'm bipolar cos one moment I'm happy and the next I'd be upset lr crying.
I am tired of seeing my SO go through hell and back with me and he loves me so much so I want to make a move. I have never been like this pre-BC is it possible that it's the pill or it's really just me? 
If I do stop can I do it ASAP? Or do I wait till I finish my Pack(2 weeks left)? Should I call my clinic before doing anything?