Life insurance

First off let me say that it is not about they money at all. However my fiance just recently got a new job and they provide 25,000 life insurance for free. When we where filling out the paper for the for who it would go to should something happen he put it all to go toward his "son". By son I mean the child his ex-wife had who doesn't belong to my fiance never comes to see him and his mom is on drugs so bad its sad. Ok I know my kids are not his to raise and I am currently a full time student in college and graduate in 8 months with my degree. Is it wrong that I feel he should have left even 10% to me so that I would have something to go on until I found a job. We are getting married in 2 months and should something happen to him I'm left with nothing because the house and everything is his mom and dads and I don't want them to have to take care of me. Am I in the wrong or not?? I feel selfish but at the same time I feel like I'm right. I'm not asking for all of it just some to help me get on my feet.