Why is being a woman considered a bad thing?

I was lying in bed the other night angry about being born to be a vessel for another human and I got to thinking... Is it because of the bad things women have to deal with that have made society deem us bad or less than? I'm starting to believe them. Im not cut out for the physical or mental parts of being a woman. If I could have chosen my sex at birth, I would have chose male 100%. I do not care for it in general. Do you think the periods,  mittelschmerz, pcos, breast "obscenity", women being slut shamed, society portraying women as dumb, local reasoning in the human brain seeing us as literal objects put together instead of (global)one whole person, women bearing the brunt of most effective contraception, childbirth, pregnancy, and abortion have made us look "bad" to men? If I was a man, I would thank the higher power everyday for none of the above. Your thoughts?