Scared...a little long

Nicole • Momma of 2 🌈👧❤🌈👧❤
I'm scared to make a doctor's appointment. I was pregnant last year. I had my first appointment October 27, 2014. Everything went well. Later night I was cramping and spotting. Tried not to worry so I went to bed. The next morning I got up and I wasn't spotting anymore. So I went to work. A couple of hours later I started bleeding. I called my doctor who put me on immediate bed test. A few hours later I got my first clot. We went to the ER like my doctor told me to do if the bleeding got worse. I few hours in the ER we went home knowing that our baby had no heart beat and I in fact was having a MC. I was 9 weeks along at that time. I am currently 4w3d today. I have missed AF with no spotting, so I'm feeling hopeful, but still scared. I just needed to say this in hopes I will build up the courage to call. Thank you for listening to my irrational fear. Any positive words are welcomed.