Holy Moly this hurts! 😖

Lisa • I'm 37, my OH is 41 & we have a son (12) & welcomed our baby girl on January 8th 2016.
So I'll be 17 weeks on Friday and already I've been diagnosed with SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction). As if the pain from that isn't enough, last night I was woken by another, different pain on my left side.
I tried to get on with it today but it just didn't quit so I called my midwife this afternoon.
Turns out I also have severe round ligament pain, most likely caused by the SPD. Not only that but because the ligaments have been aggravated, they're likely to glare up again at the slightest thing, even if I manage to get things calmed down a little using acetaminophen, ice and rest.
So I can definitely say that this pregnancy is making itself known waaay more than my son did ten years ago.
Not sure if it's the extra ten years of age I've gained since then or what but man oh man am I feeling it this time around!
Am I the only one finding things waaaay more challenging second time around? Or with such an age gap?
It's going to take all my internal strength to get through another 20+ weeks like this but I'm determined to keep cooking our lil Belly Bean until he/she is big and healthy enough to be born.