Am i just a terrible person? Or are my thoughts justified? Sorry it's long but you gotta know all the facts....

💙Shadoe✨ • Just conceived our rainbow baby:) M/C in March 14 & chemical November 14... Going to marry the man of my dreams<3 After 14 months of trying finally got our BFP 8/7/15! Praying for a sticky baby🚼

I had 2 miscarriages and am now having complications conceiving again. So anything related to that topic is sensitive to me.

I have had my current job for almost 2 years now, and make it a point to do everything requested and go above and beyond what is required of me. It was my plan and hopes to continue being there for a while. Something that was said to me some time ago, is that they pretty much don't want the girls that are employed getting pregnant... Since that time 2 of the girls have gotten pregnant, one is due any time now.. But when I had my 2nd miscarriage it was a big deal and I needed to let them know if I was going to continue TTC so they could potentially find a replacement for me.

A girl I have worked with the entire time I have been at this job does not like me even tho I literally have done nothing to her. She has made several shady moves which got pinned on me, because she has a higher position than me.

For the first time I was hospitalized for several days, leaving my shifts to be covered by other people. When I initially called off I felt some tension in the air. More comments were afterwards made verifying my thoughts of tension. I had doctor notes for all the time missed. When I returned to work my hours had been cut down to 1 day a week and 2 new girls had been hired on taking some of my shifts. So I am very heated and feel under appreciated to a great extent. The next day I work I am actually going to speak with the boss about my concerns and quit, because even if the situation gets resolved I will still have some some animosities towards the people around me and do not feel comfortable working in that environment any more.

Tonight one of the new girls texted everyone asking if she could get shifts covered because she just found out ages pregnant and is going through a possible miscarriage. I didn't even respond because that is a very sensitive topic and I don't want to get involved. Not only that but.. I got hell for having pregnancy complications after being there for a while. I don't think she should get off easy from this. I feel like if nothing is said to her then that is once again me being treated unfairly.

Is me thinking that totally mean, or an u justified in my thoughts because not everyone is getting the same treatment..?

Please no rude comments. Opinions are greatly appreciated, but bullying is not accepted. Thanks:)

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