Round 2

Kate • Ttc 40 months <3 happily married 3 years together 7

We've been trc for 2.5 years, I have pcos , thyroid issues and overweight.

And after almost 60 days AF finally came 5 days ago and later tonight I'll start my next clomid cycle.

I'm nervous. The effects last time really really took it's toll on me. The nausea, the hot flashes, the food sensitivity, the mood swings all of it. We leave Thursday for a friend canoe weekend. I've been looking so forward to this weekend now I'm worried that the pills will mess with my moods too much.

I'm scared that I'll some how miss my ovulation window. Last month my positive opk didn't match up with anything else so the dr wants me to now do 2 test a day.

I haven't been sleeping much at all. I wake up after only 3 hours I know it's not enough sleep but nothing helps. I was good until I took the provera and after I started that it was so many sleepless nights. I work nights too and I know that doesn't help but I'm just getting nervous. Last month all I could do was sleep this month I can't stay asleep.

Anyone have any advice or tips to get through the next few days?