Baby # 3?

Kristin • Married with 3 beautiful babies. 💕💙
My husband and I have 2 beautiful little girls. They are 4 & 2. My oldest was the easiest baby, she was an amazing sleeper from day 1, always happy, picks up on everything very easily. Basically she fooled me into thinking I must have been a genius at this parenting thing lol but then our 2nd daughter came and she snapped me back in to reality. She didn't sleep through the night (ever) until 2 years old, she was very needy, I couldn't ever put her down or she would fuss. She's so adorable and I love them both to death but the first 2 years of her life were very, very trying for me. I ended up suffering from a lot of stress and post-partum depression (untreated) along with sleep exhaustion. Anyway, these last 6 months she has changed so much. She's becoming independent, sleeps through the night & I have finally gotten back to feeling like myself. But now the idea of baby #3 is coming up more and more and I'd love another baby but I am just sooo scared that it will be like it was with my 2nd. I was depressed, stressed and didn't know how I was going to make it through the days. I was pushed further then I ever thought I could be. And now that I'm back & the girls are both at such great ages, it's hard to give it up. Has anyone else ever experienced this & did you go through it again with the next child or was it a better experience? I feel so guilty like I didn't give either of my girls or my husband all I could have in that time. I don't want to slight them or a new baby again.