Husband wants to do nursery in pinups

Taryn • Married to the most amazing man in the world! :) Trying to conceive our first baby. His 3rd & my 1st - Currently on Clomid 50mg - PCOS affects my fertility - Liberty University- Ultra Conservative Right Wing Republican- Trump Train
My husband has decided that if we have a boy he wants us to theme the nursery in 1930's - 1960's pinup models. My idea was antique airplanes. This was not a joke either. He is dead set on it. Showed me the pictures he wants and said we could get some on them in FatHeads and the rest in antique magazines and such. He said He wants to make sure that if it's a boy he grows up loving girls and their pretty legs. Sigh, I feel the need to shake my head right now. Ok so first thought is, how tacky do you think his idea is and secondly whose idea do you like better?