Little sister is driving me nuts!

I'm 17w1d. My sister is 8 weeks with a totally surprise pregnancy. As soon as I got my BFP, I bought books, signed up for Bradley classes, started researching and reading, etc. I've always been more of a planner, but my sister has done zero to prepare or educate herself. Instead she texts me every time she has a question (can I eat lasagna? what's the generic name for Tylenol? things that could easily be googled). I don't mind to offer advice, but she refuses to educate herself about anything! But don't worry, if I need 25 adorable onsies for Harry Potter fans or 18 perfect gender reveal announcements - she's got me covered. I wish she would spend half the time she spends on pinterest looking at something educational. For me this baby is very wanted and I want to make smart, informed decisions. For her it feels like an opportunity to post cute things on social media and get lots of likes. It's so frustrating!!! Sorry. End rant.