Did you know you were pregnant?

Karla • 22 and preparing
I really hate when people say never been pregnant before say "I think you would know if your pregnant" or "you know if you missed your period" ... NO & NO! I didn't know I was pregnant and only reason I even found out was cause I was nausea like crazzzzzzzy on my day off and I went to the ER, they told me I was pregnant. I'm also the type to wait the last two days of hue month for my period, it's irrelgular and I really hate keeping track of it but I knew it came every month and I was waiting on that very last day (which was the next day) and I thought being sick was just my period coming.....but nope! Dr walked in and said I was pregnant and I instantly cried, felt like completely shit  not knowing I had been 6 weeks pregnant. But hay, if It wasn't 4 the 6 week of hell than who knows when I would have known 🍼💕