Help, i feel like i'm gonna rip my hair out!

Tiarnee🌱 • 21 years old. 2 beautiful daughters. Baby #3 Due May 2018! From Australia.
I'm getting really annoyed lately. My finacé & i have been together for almost 4 years & things were great until we moved in a house together May 2014 ( i was 5 months pregnant).
Everything was okay for a week or 2 then he started getting lazy, not doing anything except cook & play video games! After my daughter was born (Sept 2014) he helped a lot for 3 months then wouldn't even change a nappy. Now, she's  10 months old, he won't do ANYTHING. He keeps saying his eyes have sparkles, floaters, blurriness, shadows & so many other problems but he can play video games for 6 hours. I don't understand? I have to care for my daughter, do washing, wash up, do her bottles (wash, sterilise), clean the house & never get to relax. I have trouble with my hips & i never get a break. How can i tell him to help me without him getting mad? He keeps saying he will but never does. I'm so frustrated & upset. On top of all of this, we are TTC #2. 😔