Need some outside opinions. What would you do?

Joy • mommy to 2 wonderful and crazy boys
My husband and I have been TTC for almost 9 months. We haven't told any of our families but have started the discussions that we are wanting to have kids. We are both in our early 30s and have been married for 6 years. The problem is my mother in law. She is adamant and rude that she doesn't want us to have children. She thinks my husband will be a horrible father and tells him so often. My husband is the middle son of three boys. The other two boys have gone through horrible messy divorces and both have kids. I'm not sure if she thinks we'll end up divorced I'd we have kids or if she's just being mean. All I know is she's hurting my feelings with her bitter attitude and it's making me not want to be around her. What would you do??

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