What's wrong with me?? Please help!!! :(

This month (less than two weeks ago) I started a new birth control (Reclipsen). I've been on birth control for less than three months since our last break because we were ttcing and decided to put it on hold. However, last month about halfway through I just felt very off. I wrote it off as just in my head because I didn't want to get my hopes up. My period which is always 5-7 days and extremely heavy was less than 4 days and (Sorry for tmi) but all together not even enough to fill a single pad (estimation only) but it was bright red. Now, on my second week on this birth control the feeling of me being pregnant has only gotten stronger, i'm insanely irritable and moody, my sex drive has decreased, my breasts are killing me, I'm bloated, nauseous and dizzy. Im getting random sweet or salty cravings or want nothing to do with food. I was also feeling what felt almost like gas but in my uterus, not painful just like.. Bubbly? I took two tests and both had faint positives but only after the 10 minute mark and now they've gone from pink to white and almost looks like indents boxing in where the line should be. I stopped taking my birth control two days ago and nothing has changed symtoms wise. Please, if ANYONE can help or give me any advice or if you've gone through anything similar, i'm desperate to find out what's going on and if I might have gotten lucky enough to conceive on accident