Endometrioma & Afraid

Amy • I have infertility due to endometriosis. I`ve had 2 Laps and now we`re starting IVF this summer.
Hi, I'm a new member as of tonight. I just realized that my infertility struggles are affecting me A LOT more than I thought. Once I admitted it to my husband, the tears flowed hard for hours. I have an endometrioma that is causing me not to ovulate. My doc is sending us to a specialist for surgery to remove it. At that time we are going to have further infertility testing on myself and my husband. I'm scared of the surgery for a couple of reasons: it might cause more damage bc of scar tissue and it might remove too much healthy ovary. Both of which will make it even harder to conceive. And I'm also feeling sad and broken bc I can't conceive like a normal woman. Months and months go by with no results, meanwhile my friends seem to get pregnant just looking at their spouse.  I could really use some words of encouragement. If anyone has had an endometrioma removed, could you tell me a little about your experience? Successful, unsuccessful?