Vasectomy Questions

Megan • IT Consultant By Day | Wine Lover By Night | Doggy Mama All The Time
Ok, so, I have a question. I have been dating my partner for a while now and we've started talking about our future. I am 25 to his 35 and desperately want kids of my own. He had a vasectomy after having twins with his first wife because they decided together they didn't want anymore. He has said he is very willing to get it reversed if children of my own are important to me (although he drew the line at anything more than 2), but Google was mean to me and got me very worried with statistics and numbers and horror stories.
He and wife #1 had to do <a href="">IVF</a>, so he is perfectly fine "turkey basting" it, but I kinda want to make them the "fun" way.
Has anyone else had children after a vasectomy reversal? What was the time frame for sperm counts returning? Were you successful? Do you feel like getting pregnant was harder because of it? Any advice or support would be appreciTed. I hate Google and webMD, they always give me such anxiety!