Could I be pregnant?

I've been on the combination pills since April 30th 2015. Every month since I've had two periods as my cycle regulated out. I had a 7 day period on my inactive week from June 16- 22. I had sex the 25,26 and 28. On the 28, we didn't use a condom but he pulled out and came on his hand. The next day I took my pill late on accident, 6pm instead of 8am. A week later (July 5th) I got my first period of the month that was pretty heavy with dark red clots, one was as large as a half dollar. I went the ONGYN the next day because I had been experiencing tingling and minor pain in both my ovaries for about a month. Ultra sound showed no growths or cysts and it could have been painful ovulation as I am on a low dose pill. However I was still paranoid about possibly being pregnant though. I didn't miss any pills after that and took them all on time. On the last day of the third week of my pack, a week and a half later, I had light spotting and cramps. As soon as I started inactive pills my lighter, second period of the month showed up with bad cramps on the 2nd days which are normal and only small clots. I tested during my period because I was showing early pregnancy symptoms. Once on the 4th day and then three days later on the first day of my next pill pack. Both negative but I'm still worried as I have had tingling breasts and vagina, white discharge following the period, odd feelings in lower abdomen and some headaches with slight neaseus some days. I also recently found out I'm gluten intolerant and have had to cut it out and I don't know if that plays into the messed up hormones.I'm so sorry this is so long but I'm not sure what to do. Could this all be in my head or is there a possibility of pregnancy?