For the IUD Lovers

I've already noticed on this forum a lot of IUD hate--people raging about complications or complaining about hormonal stuff or telling other people to get theirs taken out because their lives changed / they were happier when they did (that one particularly bothers me because it affects everybody differently, and we shouldn't be here to tell other people how to live their sex lives). 
I know that some people have had really bad experiences, and I want them to be able to share their stories on this forum--just on another thread. Can we have some space for the people who've had great experiences to share?? That was something I would have loved to see amongst the horror stories when I was considering it for myself. 
I personally love my IUD and recommend anyone who's unhappy with their current birth control consider trying it. I had spend most of my life in a pill where I was starting to have really bad hormonal side effects, and the IUD was a game-changer. 
Sure, I've had some side effects. My period has changed tremendously month over month, and it definitely freaks me out some months that I don't have that realiable thing assuring me I'm not pregnant. 
But, I don't have to worry about birth control again for seven years. I can travel (which I do a lot) and not worry about bringing enough of my pills. I can have fun, spontaneous, crap-we-don't-have-a-condom sex with my bf and not worry. 
Who else here loves their IUDs??