Possible Chemical Pregnancy?

Sarah • 33 yo, ttc #3 for me but #1 for DH, ttc 3yrs

What do you all think?

We tried Preseed for the first time this cycle

Been TTC for almost 3 years with not even a hint of anything

Although I'm not pregnant, I do believe i had a chemical pregnancy this month

On 7 DPO i had horrible dizziness that sent me to the ER (lasted about 8 hours)

When it started i took hpt and had faint positive, first time EVER in 3 years TTC

My hpt's since have been negative, but i firmly believe something was trying to happen

The ONLY thing we did different this cycle was use Preseed

Gonna try again next month, hopefully I'll finally get my BFP

AF is due in a few days, wondering if it will look/be any different.

Does this sound like a chemical pregnancy?

Had anyone had a similar experience? Please comment

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