Smh... What happened?...

Not ALL Christians are out to condemn everyone who doesn't live their life style to hell. Just generalizing all Christians that we are all the same is pure ignorance. OK, so maybe you've have a few rough bumps and run ins with these Christians that are just straight up bible thumpers but still ... Theres a name for these so called Christians.. Hypocrites which I kinda call Pharisees ( if this doesn't apply then let it slide ) Not every Christian are the same . Just like not every black person are the same or even white person, or Chinese, Puerto Rican, etc.. ..... personally Christians are supposed to love, not judge, accept and not push away . it breaks my heart that Jesus himself even hung out with the scums of the earth and the rejects, the whores, and so on yet in this day and era as Christians push these very same people God wants us to extend our compassion to.. As a believer and Christian, I believe in a heaven and a hell . Hell was not intended for Humans but for Satan and his fallen angels . . I wish I could reach out to as much as I can and some what at least let them know that this God that hypocritical Christians preach is wrong . Jesus came as a final sacrifice for the Worlds sin , his blood covers a multitude , so that instead of running from God with our shame or secret guilts that we may actually run to Him like a child runs to their father with open arms. Homosexual, Liar, Theif, Angered Person, Prositutes, even those who bash Christianity or any other religion and their beliefs.., God will not turn these people away, God is not an ANGRY God so that being preached is totally not cool because if He is an angry God then that would mean Jesus at the cross was not enough and that there must be another way .. When really Jesus is the only way and what kind of person was Jesus? Crack open that dusty bible of yours and start reading . If anything Jesus scolded the religious leaders more than the "bad" people.. I don't know why but I felt like saying this because as a young christian gal it bothers me to see Christians as a whole being judged by non believers simply because of not being the kind of Christians that are forgiving and compassionate( I am open minded enough to understand not every may agree with my beliefs so I'm not here to shove them down anyone's throat )