
I had lost my big brother kyle 5 days before i went into early labour (31 +3) i was still 15 at the time as i gave birth on the 17th april 2015 to a perfect baby girl called scarlett. She was in intensive care for 9 days then she was moved to high dependency then special care, altogether she was kept in for 46 days. She weighed 3lbs 10 when she was born and now at 15 weeks and 2 days she weighs 11lb 1 with no complications at all and is above average for everything. My labour was only 2hrs 45 mins long so i was in a lot of shock clearly. Some of you may of heard what happened to kyle neil (my sister fiance) this is what triggered my labour. Unfortunately he never met his little niece though she is named Scarlett Kyla 💜 this first picture is her today and the second one is at 3 days old