Feeling bloated and crampy

Normally I wouldn't worry but my boyfriend and I have been careless. I'm not on my own birth control and we haven't been using condoms. Just withdrawal. I know it's not really any better. We've discussed it and we're agreed that we will start using condoms again. It might just be my nerves but I feel like we may have come to our senses too late. I'm cramping all the time with a week until my period. My previous period was a little weird, but I took a test and it was negative.I've been feeling sick in the mornings although I haven't actually vomited. I'm so nervous to take another one but I'm not sure if I'm freaking out over nothing. 
Im going to try to remember to take it in the morning before work. I only have one, otherwise I would take it right now. 
Any thoughts? I feel silly for being so worried and silly for letting myself get to this situation..