Is it just a man thing?

I feel like I'm the only one that ever instigates conversation with my SO. I ask him about his work, about his day, about his past and so on. I'm truly interested and love learning more about him.

He never asks anything about me, not even how my day was.

Not that I want to have a whole conversation about me but I always thought it went back and forth ... you ask and he answers, you comment on what he says, then he ask you, you answer then he comments .... but with just me asking the question I run out of stuff to ask and the conversation just ends

I asked him why he never wonders about me and told him that it makes me feels like he's not interested.

He said "I don't nrd to, you eventually tell me with out me having to ask"

I'm wondering if this a guy thing and I'm expecting him to communicate like a woman or is he really not interested?

I also noticed he is like that with friends and family too though