I need to vent. (Long)

Jen • Mama to a beautiful baby girl. Henley Mae. 10.2.15
First I'm going to apologize. I need to vent. I don't have anyone awake right now that I can vent too. I'm currently 33 weeks pregnant and the hormones must be getting to me. 
My fiancé has been absolutely driving me insane. Right now he is sleeping...he fell asleep on the couch at 9pm. He has court tomorrow for his first two children. He has printed out some papers but he needs to print out more, so I kept waking him up just to walk back to the living room to find him sleeping again. It's frustrating to me because I care about those boys and right now sleep is what's important. I know he doesn't realize it but seriously!!! He then yelled at me and told me he won't print anything because I'm annoying him. So you have so much stuff to use against their mother and you're just going to sleep? I gave up. I'm tired of waking him up and getting yelled at. I left him to sleep on the couch. I'm sure I'll hear about it tomorrow but I don't care. I don't deserve that. 
This is not the only reason I'm frustrated. Last week he took off work 2 days, he was sick. Yes he had a fever and some Body aches but that was about it. Man up and go to work. You're not bleeding, puking, or pooping. He is such a big baby when he is sick. Mean while I just push through and do what I need to do when I'm sick. 
I've been asking him to vacuum and clean for weeks. So I work every day out in the sun, 1015-730. I come home and see him on the couch sleeping. I take a shower and my rampage begins. I start to clean and then he yells at me for cleaning. I'm sorry I'm tired of feeling like I live like a pig. He does laundry and let's the clean clothes sit in the baskets for days even over a week. He wants me to put it away. Let's see every other week I take care of his children. Monday through Friday. All day every day they are with me. I come home from work at 745p cook dinner then they go to bed, how can I put their clothes away while they are trying to sleep?!! 
I clean the kitchen and then attempt to relax myself but usually I don't so I work on things for my baby shower. The weeks we don't have the boys I still work from 1015-745 and try to do things around the house. Sometimes I am just so damn exhausted but I still manage. I won't use chemicals to clean because it's not good for the baby so it's hard to clean like I want too. 
  I just feel like he's not doing anything. Currently my back has been killing me all day. He's been telling me since 7 to go lay down. I had to leave work, grocery shop, cook, clean the kitchen, get the boys ready for bed, then showered, and worked on things for my shower.
 Please don't think he is a bad dad. He is far from it but lately he has just been so damn lazy. Tomorrow I will be taking the boys to school, going to work, then he will be dropping them off to me, and going to a meeting. I'll be coming home from work to cook, give them a bath, and put them to bed while he is there. 
I just want my time, I want him to just do things with out me getting to a point where i freak out. I soon will be having my daughter and I'm hoping he isn't this lazy with her. I like to have my home look clean and it's just not a priority to him right now. 
I'm sorry if you read this entire thing and you said it was a waste to read, and that it was just so over the place. I'm just so fed up with things. I'm frustrated beyond belief and even if no one reads this I still feel a little better because I got it out.