what to do, what to do???

so my husband is a pipefitter which takes him out of town to work. it's way good money but he basically works for a few months, then gets laid off and has to find a new company in a new place and it's always away from home. he works 6-7 days a week so it's a rarity that I see him all that often. like I said before the money is good and it affords us the things we have. now he has the opportunity to be a car salesman which he used to do before pipefitting, that will allow him to be home every night and actually be with me and home when our son arrives....problem is it will put us on an either very tight budget or won't be enough to cover bills and either him or I would possibly need to pick up extra work or even a second job for him. although there is a possibility that he could actually make really good money selling cars if they get a decent amount of customer traffic. I want him home more than anything and I am even ok just making ends meet if I knew for sure that he would at least make enough to cover bills and our needs. he needs to make a decision like now and is looking to me to decide what to do and I just don't know what to tell him to do. what would you do if you were in this situation???