The morning of delivery I woke up before the first day back to work after summer break with some lit...

The morning of delivery I woke up before the first day back to work after summer break with some little pains. After seeing some light blood mixed in with my discharge, and the on call doctor saying it was normal I went to work at the school. Little did I know that I would be in early labor the entire time until lunch. When I started having to stop in the hallway to get through a contraction I decided my work day would end early and it was time to have my emergency contact at work to take me to the hospital! I was already 4cm dilated by the time I got there and just barely made it to get an epidural when I was at 9cm. After a total of 7 hours of active labor for our first born child, Hudson James has officially joined our family! I feel truely blessed to have such a safe, quick labor and a handsome baby boy! Thank you Glow for all of your support during this journey!