Just need to rant

So my husband and I have be TTC since October with no luck so I go to see my OBGYN who suggests I have a few tests done along with my husband getting a semen analysis. Results show that even though I have stage 4 endometriosis everything will me looks good and I ovulated last month....bad news my husband's semen analysis shows he has low sperm count. Our next step is to go talk to an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> doctor to see what our next step is and in the mean time I've ordered some pills to help increase my husband's count. Praying that diet, exercise and these pills will do the trick because recently I've been feeling nothing but sad, angry and depressed. I can't even stand seeing people's post on social media about their pregnancies without wanting to burst into tears. I hate that I feel this way and I don't know how much longer I can go through this rollercoaster of emotions. Prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for listening (well reading)