Desperate for a family

Teána • I’m Teána, Married and 2 fur-babies. TTC for 6 years w/ 4 failed adoptions & fertility treatments. Acupuncture baby is now almost 3!❤️ PCOS & Hypothyroidism.
I know so many of you feel this way at one point or another. I am overwhelmed with fear, love, anger, despite, desperate, and need. It's crazy how you can feel so much love for a family you don't even physically have yet. My husband wants children so bad and I do to, I just can't help but feel guilty. We've been trying for almost 2 years. I didn't want to write this for pity, we are all struggling in our own ways. I guess all I need right now is good vibes and prayers. I will be praying for all you beautiful woman. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.