Rainbow announcement?

Hello people. I need some advice. But first let me give you a quick breakdown of what's going on. 
I have a 5 year old son. My husband and I were expecting a baby last year. We did an announcement on Facebook of my son holding up a sign saying "Every superhero needs a sidekick." And it said our due date on there. On December 23rd we announced in Facebook that we were on our way to find out the sex of the baby. However, we discovered that there was no heartbeat. We went through Christmas for my son and on the 26th I was induced and delivered the baby. It was a horrible experience.  I had to then tell everyone what happened because I had people messaging me on Christmas Day, the day we planned on doing a reveal, asking me when we were going to announce what we were having. Anyway. I'm 12 weeks pregnant now. We have only told a few friends and family. I don't know if I want to do another Facebook announcement or not. I have distant friends and family that I never see but we keep up with each other on Facebook. What do I do? 
Also has anyone done an announcement after a miscarriage? Can I see your announcement of you have?