Has anyone noticed that no matter how many kids you have, people still treat you like an idiot who knows nothing? Or is my family just incredibly hard headed? I had a failed epidural with my last delivery and ever since i told them i wouldn't get another becuase it was so painful and scary, they roll their eyes and say, "you'll see!" And find really awkward times to bring it up and tell me that i *will* get one. Are you kidding me? I have literally done this before. Ugh. Then there's the SAME CRAPPY ILLOGICAL COMMENTS. Like that my pelvis is too small and I'll need a c section, or the baby WILL be huge and im going to tear straight down. I didnt tear at all with my last 7 POUND baby. I know it's probably hormones but I'm so angry I'm plotting to just say something just as hateful back. "HaHAHA WOULDN'T IT BE FUNNY IF MY ASSHOLE TORE?!?! HOW HILARIOUS. OR MAYBE I'LL TEAR UPWARD RIGHT THROUGH MY CLITORIS!!!" Or "Wow. You guys are right i should probably go on a juice diet and ask to be induced by 35 wks!" Orrrr "For sure. I'm honestly hoping i die before the month is up so i don't have to go through with it."