BFP but bleeding :(

So I've had pregnancy symptoms for about 3/4weeks now. I was over a week late on AF when I tested a faint BFP but started what I figured was AF and it must of been a chemical or just me imagining things. But even after suspected "AF" I still have strong pregnancy symptoms. My breasts have been sore and tender for probably 3weeks now. Started about 5days before AF should of started. I bleed light/medium flow for 3days, spotted 4th and cramped real bad on the first. My boobs have gotten slightly bigger. I'm nauseous especially in the mornings and more recently since the bleeding stopped. And tired all the time. I could get up at 7am and by 10am I'm ready for a nap even though I slept 8 or more hours.
I go to the dr in 2weeks. This would be my rainbow and I'm real scared to test again and it be a BFN.