Thanks for adding me guys!!

So glad I can finally join this group!! I will be sooooo far behind you guys though!!! But better late then never. I really hope Nicole joins us soon!! I'm just impatiently waiting for our first appointment on the 26th when I will be nearly 8 weeks and we can see our little one! I just want to hear the heartbeat!! I stil have been testing (I know,silly) but I used those clear blue digitals with the week estimates to make sure my hcg levels were stil going up and I got 2-3 weeks one day and the next got 3+ and according to the manufacturers 3+ means above 2000 so I'm right where I need to be or a little more for doubling. I know t sounds crazy and paranoid lol but after what we have been through I needed some reassurance. We still haven't told anyone except a few managers at work who need to know and it's soooo hard. It feels less real because we haven't told anyone. But we think we may tell immediate family after the first ultrasound.