Traumatic but worth it all!!

After weeks of prelabor, I woke up one morning with pains shooting down my legs and a horrible headache. My contractions were 2-5 mins apart for a week and stuck at 3-4 cm and 50%. I checked my blood pressure and it was 150/100 although I haven't had any problems with it before. Called l&d and was to go get checked (9th visit). My blood pressure wasn't going down so the admitted me and was inducing me. I was 38.6 weeks so they weren't worried. Waited for the epidural just so things would go a tad faster but then I said go ahead because one nurse suggested to. The person missed twice and third time the epidural went into the space it wasn't suppose to go but wasn't dangerous. Well it kinda worked until it didn't anymore. After 20 hours I finally made it to 7 cm and couldn't take the pain so they replaced the epidural again and it only worked on one side until my water broke naturally. They tried more meds but because the 3rd try of the epidural went into a certain space in my spine they couldn't do much. I screamed so loud the whole time I'm sure I scared every mother there. Baby was still pretty high but when he dropped he dropped fast and it was go time. 5 practice pushes and then they were screaming at me to stop and I couldn't doctor barely had time to put gloves on and 5 more pushes and we had our baby boy. Felt everything and I went in excited about a pain free birth. Nope.. All natural. A beautiful 8.04 pound boy (with a very large head) was born August 5th. He is perfectly healthy and I only had to have one stitch and they made multiple comments on how long and thick the cord was. Only thing now is I'm dealing with spinal headaches due to all the epidurals and they are very painful. Every ounce of pain is worth it because baby is healthy and happy. I couldn't be anymore blessed! Big brother loves him and daddy is doing an amazing job!