Disappointed / not disappointed

So I was in a two month relationship with a guy who told me I was his "ONE" wanted to have children with me , wanted to marry me the whole thing. 
Well we broke up 
before our broke up happen  he was staying with me for the weekend and we did it (no protection) 
Lately I just haven't been myself 
Back aches 
Nipples tingling/ changing colour 
Cravings (OMG)🍭🍬🍧🍦🍫🍰
I have taken two pregnancy test and both came back negative 
My period is not due until next week. 
I did a pregnancy calculator test and I got told I can do a test today 10.8.15 
When I told my ex about my symptoms he told me straight away without thinking twice .... ABORTION 
I'm a 31 year old women and I'm in my life I'm  ready for a baby , but I don't want to be a single mother where the father wants nothing todo with the child or me . 
I'm going todo another test next week just to make sure